transfiguration #196 new age nightgown mix (holiday in ruins)


  1. Kosmosi by Saphileaum on Transpersonal Experience (good morning tapes)
  2. Bird Ambience by Masayoshi Fujita on Bird Ambience (Erased Tapes Records Ltd.)
  3. Smoky Place (feat. Soungallo Diarra) by Midnight Ravers on Le triomphe du chaos (Blanc Manioc)
  4. Tsuchi by Satomimagae on Hanazono (Satomimagae)
  5. Myths and Facts by Haco on Nova Naturo (Room40)
  6. Deep Forest by Rising Sun on Himalayas - Single (Backcatalogue BVBA, Belgium)
  7. Sunchemical Bismuth by O Yuki Conjugate on Sunchemical (Optimo Music)
  8. Nacht Plätscher by Boozoo Bajou on Nacht Plätscher - Single (Apollo Records)
  9. Torch Dance by Masahiro Takahashi on Flowering Tree, Distant Moon (Not Not Fun)
  10. Forest From the Trees by Alex Albrecht pres. Melquíades & Sean La'Brooy on Campfire Stories (Alexander Albrecht)
  11. Once Again by Rich Ruth on Where There's Life (Rich Ruth)
  12. Quite, Please by Simon Dobson on MDCNL (Lo Recordings)
  13. Sea Kaleidoscope by X.Y.R. on Waves Tapes (Constellation Tatsu)
  14. Island Haze 1 by COCONUT DEALERS on S/T (Not Not Fun Records)
  15. Bounty (Coral Sea Remix) by Private Agenda on Submersion - EP (Lo Recordings)
  16. Wild Woods by Tomu DJ on Ambient 2 (self released)