Radioculars 15//16


  1. The Way You'd Love Her by Mac Demarco on The Way You'd Love Her (Captured Tracks)
  2. Ancient Robots by Conspiracy of Owls on Conspiracy of Owls (Burger Records)
  3. Find Yourself by jaccogardner on Hypnophobia (Polyvinyl)
  4. It All Feels Right by Washed Out on Paracosm (Sub Pop)
  5. Let It Happen by Tame Impala on Let It Happen (Modular)
  6. Withered Hand by The Oh Sees on Mutilator Defeated At Last (Castle Face Records)
  7. Haurache Lights by Hot Chip on Why Make Sense? (Domino)
  8. Going Out by Dinner on Three EPs (Captured Tracks)
  9. Making a Fool of You by HOMESHAKE on In the Shower (Sinderlyn)
  10. Animal Ratio by Celestial Shore on Enter Ghost (Hometapes)
  11. New Heroes of Subscription Services by Burnt Ones on Gift (Castle Face)
  12. Creepy Eyed Girls by Swiftumz on Everybody Loves Chris (Melters)
  13. Love You All the Time by La Lenguas on Tears in My Milkshake (Burger)
  14. Ghost Twin by Blood Sister on Blood Sister EP (Bloodmoss Records)
  15. Come Save Me by Jagwar Ma on Howlin (Mom & Pop Music)
  16. Moonlighting by Navajo Bixby ()
  17. I Can Do No Wrong by American Wrestlers on single (Fat Possum)
  18. The Mirror by Damaged Bug on Cold Hot Plumbs (Castle Face Records)
  19. Teen Creeps by No Age on Nouns (Sub Pop)
  20. Loner by Volage on Heart Healing (Howlin Banana Records)
  21. I Wanna Take You Out by Part Time ()
  22. Hermits on Holiday by DRINKS on Hermits on Holiday (Heavenly Records)
  23. Stages of Fear by Crepes ()
  24. Without Reluctance by Danny James Etc. on Pear (Burger Records)
  25. Good Feelings by The Growlers on Gay Thoughts/Good Feelings (Everloving Records)
  26. Summer Trees by Diveo (Secret Songs)
  27. FM by Junior Boys on So This is Goodbye (Domino)