Ep 242: "Doing the Limbo"

Episode title "Doing the Limbo" is from Las Vegas band Spring Breeding's new album Doing the Limbo (bandcamp), they play the Purple House in Oakland on Saturday and a happy hour show at the Knockout on Sunday with Baus/ Collate (PDX)/ Wife.

Did you vote? You have the rest of today to vote yes on SF props E/L/M/O and J, Hamasaki for SF DA, and in some order Victory/Hodge/Thao/Reimann for Oakland Mayor.

A good Oakland guide: https://hyphenatedrepublic.com/2022/10/28/6578/

SF: https://www.theleaguesf.org

Instagram: @iluvmondaysbfffm
twitter: @iluvmondaysWill
email: iluvmondaysBFFfm@gmail.com


  1. 24 Hours on Saturn by Spring Breeding on Doing the Limbo (self released)

    Sunday happy hour at the Knockout: Spring Breeding (Las Vegas)/ Baus/ Collate (Portland)/ Wife

  2. Proud by Baus on Songs to Snake To (Digital Regress) Local
  3. Simple Distractions by Street Eaters on Simple Distractions EP (Nervous Intent)

    Local Saturday at the Stork Club: Street Eaters/ Neutrals/ Collate (PDX)

  4. Rent by Neutrals on Rent/Your House EP (Domestic Departure) Local
  5. Medicine by Collate on Medicine b/w Genesis Fatigue (Self Released)

    Friday at The Colony in Sacramento: Collate (PDX)/ Fuckwolf/ The WInd-Ups/ Julian Never

  6. The Painter by Harry the Nightgown on single (self released)

    Saturday at Martial Arts: Harry the Nightgown (LA)/ Katsy Pline

  7. Always Lower Still by Katsy Pline on No Peace in the Valley (self-released) Local
  8. Semester Late by Nimsins & Versâam on When Two Elephants Fight (self released)

    Local Thursday at Crybaby: Smartbomb Live with Nimsins & Versâam, Ahwlee/ Vooo/ Sandy Ndu/ Lil Zé

  9. Radiowaves by Black Thumb on 2020 (self-released)

    Local Wednesday at the Ivy Room: Black Thumb/ Mint Field (Mexico City)/ The 1981

  10. Delicadeza by Mint Field on Levitation Sessions (Levitation Sessions)
  11. Mona Lisa by The 1981 on Polaroids EP (Dandy Boy) Local
  12. Deal in Air by Graham Hunt on If You Knew Would You Believe It? (Smoking Room)

    Sunday at Hit Gallery: Black Thumb/ Graham Hunt (Wisconsin)/ Julia Blair (Wisconsin)

  13. Wanderin' by Julia Blair on Better Out than In (self released)
  14. Indian Radio Values by Luke Sweeney on Rishi (Aerobic International)

    Local Friday at Amado's: Luke Sweeney/ Healing Potpourri/ The Tim Cohen

  15. Truly Good by Healing Potpourri on Paradise (Run For Cover) Local
  16. Change My Legs by Tim Cohen on You Are Still Here (Bobo Integral) Local
  17. Ready to Die by Body Double on Milk Fed (Zum)

    Local Friday at the Stork Club: Body Double/ Non Plus Temps album release show/ Murder Murder/ Carl with People

  18. Warm Launderette by Non Plus Temps on Desire Choir (Post Present Medium) Local
  19. No One Online by Welcome Strawberry on Welcome Strawberry (Cherub Dream)

    Wednesday at the Elbo Room: Welcome Strawberry/ Aluminum/ Niki FM/ Blue Zero

  20. Red & Gold by Aluminum on Windowpane EP (Dandy Boy) Local
  21. Close to You by Niki FM on Naomi (self released) Local
  22. Lemon Year by Blue Zero on Welcome to Oakland comp (Dandy Boy Records) Local