Ep 264: "See the City in a Different Light"

Episode title "See the City in a Different Light" is from the Public Interest song "Residue" off their new album Spiritual Pollution (bandcamp). Their album release show is Saturday at Thee Stork Club with Nothing Natural and Spllit (Baton Rouge, LA).

Causa Justa is getting a lot of calls to its hotline about shady eviction notices-- see their website to know if your landlord's actions are legal-- and how to fight back regardless.

instagram: @iluvmondaysbfffm
twitter: @iluvmondaysWill
email: iluvmondaysBFFfm@gmail.com


  1. Residue by Public Interest on Spiritual Pollution (Erste Theke Tontraeger)

    Local Saturday at Thee Stork Club: Public Interest album release/ Nothing Natural/ Spllit (Louisiana)

  2. Tetra by Nothing Natural on NN/EP (Dandy Boy) Local
  3. Ledder Cote by Spllit on Ledder Cote/ Adobe House (self released)
  4. Flowers by Maya Nell on {adullescence} (self released)

    Local Saturday in West Oakland: Maya Nell (Kentucky)/ Plum/ J Camden/ Trophy Baby/ B. Soleil

  5. Shirt Off by Plum on single (self released) Local
  6. Heaven's in the Detail by J Camden on The View from Inside the Sun (self released) Local
  7. Chupparosa by La Doña on Justice 4 Sean Compilation (self released)

    Local Saturday at KQED block party: La Doña

  8. High School by Julian Never on Pious Fiction (self released)

    Local Saturday at the Golden Bull: Julian Never/ Banzai Cliff/ Monster Treasure/ R.E. Seraphin

  9. Boy Afraid by Banzai Cliff on Hypothetical Love (Tank Beach Tapes) Local
  10. Heavy Real by Monster Treasure on II (Leisure and District) Local
  11. Big Break by R.E. Seraphin on Swingshift (Dandy Boy) Local
  12. A Choice by Cheree on Factory (Cherub Dream)

    Local Saturday at First Church of the Buzzard: Cheree album release/ Talk Show/ Cel Genesis/ Jock

  13. 三星堆 by Talk Show on Anhedonic Renaissance (Deathbed Tapes) Local
  14. North Wind by Paula Frazer & Tarnation on What Is and Was (Grabbing Clouds)

    Local Friday at Amado's: Tarnation/ Halou/ Meredith Edgar Trio

  15. All Things Fade by Kids On A Crime Spree on Fall In Love Not In Line (Slumberland)

    Local Saturday at the Ivy Room: Kids on a Crime Spree/ Black Thumb/ Chaos Fiction/ Magic Carpet Ryders (Nevada City)

  16. Walk On By by Black Thumb on The Flying Propellor Group (Dandy Boy) Local
  17. Heartstrings (demo) by Chaos Fiction on single (self released) Local
  18. Don't Ask Me Why by Magic Carpet Ryders on Magic Carpet Ryders (self released) Local
  19. Goodbye Spaceman by Hectorine on TEARS (Paisley Shirt)

    Local Saturday at Green Apple Books: Hectorine duo set for Independent Bookstore Day!