
  1. Perpetuum Mobile (Civilistjävel! Dub) by Death and Vanilla on Reimagined by Civilistjävel (Fire Records) New
  2. Winded by 7038634357 on Neo Seven (Blank Form Editions) New
  3. The Saver by Graham Lambkin on Community (Penultimate Press) New
  4. Skriv något på väggen så att andra får veta hur du har det (Till M. Isorinne) by Varg2™ on 10 år av skog, natt & stj​ä​rnor (Northern Electronics) New
  5. Act II: Sea and Sky by Tristan Allen on Tin Iso and the Dawn (RVNG Intl.) New
  6. Mycelial Bloom by Maria W Horn & Vilhelm Bromander on Earthward Arcs (Warm Winters Ltd.) New
  7. Sandwall by Yellow Swans on Drowner (Yellow Swans Archive)