
  1. Featured As You Sleep By My Feet by Jonnine on ALWAYS + FOREVER (do you have peace?) New
  2. Weakness by Richie Culver on Scream if You Don't Exist (Participant) New
  3. Featured Passage Through The Spheres by Kali Malone on All Life Long (Shelter Press) New
  4. init v2.0 by Species Of Fishes & Muslimgauze on muslimgauze vs species of fishes (galaxiid)
  5. Who wakes the dawn by Natalie Beridze on If We Could Hear (Room40) New
  6. Por by k2dj & Ben Bondy on Por (naff) New
  7. Silk Song & Viridescence by slowfoam on Worlding With Earth (Mappa Editions) New
  8. Part and Parcel by Infant on sigla, sone (Warm Winters Ltd.) New
  9. Toco Sos by Lamin Fofana on Lamin Fofana And The Doudou Ndiaye Rose Family (Honest Jon's Records) New