Episode 45rpm

Morning y'all,

Spring is almost here, we are so close so as to have the taste of dew in our mouths.

Love always,



  1. You Burn Me by Laurel Halo on Atlas (Awe)
  2. Moonshiner by Roscoe Holcomb on Smithsonian Folkways (Smithsonian Folkways)
  3. Beekeeper by Sally Anne Morgan on Carrying (Thrill Jockey Records)
  4. Long Beach by Maxine Funke on River Said (Disciples)
  5. Rocky Passage by Jeremiah Chiu, Marta Sofia Honer on Recordings from the Aland Islands (International Anthem)
  6. Glider by Ruby Haunt on Cures for Opposites (Ruby Haunt)
  7. No Services by Kieran Hebdan and William Tyler on Darkness, Darkness/ No Services (Psychic Hotline)
  8. Wildwood Flower by Kilby Snow on Classic Mountain Songs from Smithsonian Folkways (Smithsonian Folkways Recordings)
  9. Dancemale by heartsoft on Worldsfeel (awesome recordings) Local
  10. Featured Cheap Understandings by Judith Horn on Cheap Understandings (Sad Gal) New Local
  11. California by Asha Wells on Water Words (Royal Oakie Records) Local
  12. Arizona by Friend of a Friend on Arizona (Friend Of A Friend) New
  13. Sci-Fi Silence by Florist on Florist (Double Double Whammy)
  14. i swear it used to be here by Hot Sugar on Creation Myth (Noise Collector Records) New
  15. Featured BUMMER COUNTRY by Beafsteek on BEEFSTEAK (Balcony Recordings) New Local
  16. Trials, Troubles, Tribulations by E.C. Ball, Orna Ball on The Alan Lomax Collection from the American Folklife Center (Odyssey Productions, Inc.)
  17. Birthday Song for the Dead by Josephine Foster on Domestic Sphere (Fire Records)