

  1. Son Of The Black Ram by Grand Belial's Key on Koserat ()
  2. Old Ruins Slumber In A Crushing Hatred of Man by Adversarial on Death, Endless Nothing and the Black Knife of Nihilism ()
  3. Lightning Cage by Magic Circle on Journey Blind ()
  4. Pure Hate by Merciless on The Awakening ()
  5. The Sorcerer by Pagan Altar on Magical & Mystical ()
  6. Mourn by Hell on III ()
  7. Mass Creamation by PISSGRAVE on Suicide Euphoria ()
  8. Exercises in Futility V by MGLA on Exercises in Futility ()
  9. Whiplash Disaster by Midnight on No Mercy For Mayhem ()
  10. Wasted Years by Iron Maiden on Somewhere In Time ()
  11. Blasphemous Creamation by Incantation on Onward to Golgotha ()
  12. Break
  13. Chains by Morbus Chron ()