Episode 666: The One With Black Heart

I'm on my honeymoon, in the words of northern New York, sitting in a hot tub. This week I've handed the mix over to Corina, who, as Black Heart, has crafted a sublimely powerful mix for the Summer Solstice.


  1. Remnant by Deflection Pulley ()
  2. Procession Grotesque by Normotone feat. Corina Cinkl ()
  3. Kind Smoke by Julien Groboz ()
  4. bring back by b.o.s. ()
  5. Spec Aeterna XXXII by Dan Söderqvist (Twice A Man) ()
  6. 34 by Nine Inch Nails on Ghosts IV (The Null Corp)
  7. Never Ending Fear by Lysis on Opus I ()
  8. What Sound by Lamb on What Sound (Mercury)