Episode 11: The One With Wil

Wil has helped me grab some music I'd been unable to find on numerous occasions. So I said "Wil, wanna do a whole show?" And Wil did indeed want to do a whole show. This is pretty great stuff.


  1. Love's Refrain by Jefre Cantu-Ledesma on In Summer (Visit http://shiningskullstudio.bandcamp.com)
  2. Bodies by Wife on What's Between (Tri Angle)
  3. Order by When Saints Go Machine on Infinity Pool (K7)
  4. To Hold by Sea Oleena on Shallow (Lefse)
  5. Talking About Love by Bewilderbeast (Color Station)
  6. Buddha Power by m∞n (Cadence Collective)
  7. Catabolic Seed by The Scary Jokes ()
  8. Quotidian Debris by Chequerboard (Lazybird)
  9. Schwarzer Regen fällt by Bersarin Quartett (Denovali)
  10. Christ Air 900 by Fall Forever ()
  11. Transit by Cherax Destructor ()
  12. Pearls by Helios on Yume (Unseen)
  13. Redaze by Serph (Elegant Disc)
  14. Elliot Cash by Dante DeFelice ()