Radio DJ


DJ BAQVAS enjoys the art of curating music immensely and began radio DJ-ing over ten years ago. What can you find on their radio show, Fractal Chambers? Music made by local artists, artists from countries most wouldn’t think to look towards, and simply artists who are making music that stands out in a BIG way.

Think lo-fi alt rock from Afghanistan, rap from Pakistan, hard-hitting hip-hop from Iran, renegade queer alt rock from Lebanon, riot grrl from Chile, underground crooners from Mexico, post-punk from Japan…

Genre-wise, you can expect: varieties of rock, hiphop, and electronic music. Send me some of your music if it fits the bill: zuhajawad [at] gmail.


Recent Shows

Today's show is all about rock n roll! All sorts of subgenres, going from lighter tones to heavier tones. And music from the bay, all over…

Fractal Chambers 60 mins


A grand return! Featuring many tracks that have been stuck in my head the last few weeks/months. Music Video: Nabihah Iqbal's This World Couldn’t See Us Music…

Fractal Chambers 60 mins


Fractal Chambers 60 mins


Today's show is an interesting one... lots of darkwave, 80s synth, electronic, experimental pop. There'll also be several tracks honoring Mahsa Amini and the protests happening…

Fractal Chambers


Blog Posts

DJ BAQVAS's Top 5 Shows of 2020

A wrapup of DJ BAQVAS's top 5 shows of 2020! This year, BAQVAS caught a few memorable live events pre-pandemic, but also some virtual ones that were striking enough to make them get up and dance a little in their room or watch with rapt attention.  Read More →