Simon Batistoni

Recent Shows

This time we really mean it. After 227 shows, plus some reruns, this is the very last broadcast of Eclectic Kettle. Recorded live at the end…

Eclectic Kettle Bonus 


w/ Guest
  • Tom Coates

With the last Kettle in the can, we continue our December retrospective with a re-run of January 2016's Bowie spectacular, with special guest host Tom Coates…

Eclectic Kettle Bonus 


Another classic Kettle repeat this week, this time back to March 2017 and delightful rambling about visits to the moon. Remember, you can support the…

Eclectic Kettle Bonus 


With Eclectic Kettle now at its end, we're spending December reliving a handful of our favourite and memorable moments from Kettle's five year history. This week…

Eclectic Kettle Bonus 
