The Friends W/O Benefits Radio Hour

About The Friends W/O Benefits Radio Hour

White Trash Ninja and Cadet Edac are Friends W/O Benefits. This is their radio hour where they shoot the shit and play the hits.

If you want to know more about Fw/oB check out


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  • This week you get the whole discography of Friends W/O Benefits because we're still too hungover from the 4th of July to have anything of real…

  • Tune in anytime by adding The Friends W/O Benefits Radio Hour to your podcast app.

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  • White Trash Ninja has been away for a week, so the show tonight is less talk more rock. Featuring local bands like Battlehooch, Bear Lincoln, The…

  • Last week, we fucked up...we told you we had a great summer themed show (and we did/do!) but it didn't without further ado, we bring…

  • Remember those warm summer days and nights, going to your best friends house, watching superhero movies and eating the best snacks??? On this weeks show Ninja…

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