Loose Canon Listening Club

About Loose Canon Listening Club

Whatever you think of classical music, put those thoughts aside for two hours every Sunday morning. Join Sasha (formerly Boy with Girl's Name Morning Mixtape) with open ears and an open mind to explore the vast world of orchestral, chamber, opera, experimental, and other forms of art music.

Sleep in and never miss an episode by joining the LCLC mail list.

  • Sunday 8:00 – 10:00am


  • This week's Loose Canon Listening Club is a very special one. I'm excited to share with you my first radio interview: Paola Prestini , composer, violinist,…

    120 mins

  • This week's episode digs into percussion and rhythm-based art music, including brand new music from percussionist Susie Ibarra and a collaboration between composer Benjamin Louis Brody…

    120 mins

  • Tune in anytime by adding Loose Canon Listening Club to your podcast app.

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  • Since I balanced two shows – Loose Canon Listening Club and Boy with Girl's Name Morning Mixtape – in 2020, my annual year-end review is also…

    120 mins

  • This week's episode takes a step away from the escapism that classical music is often associated with to highlight some works that directly interrogate race and…

    120 mins

  • Dedicated to my hike-loving partner and all the keepers of the parks – national, regional, and municipal – who have kept us sane during this year…

    120 mins
