Sunny and Skeptical Air Show


  • This week’s episode features HipHop4Change, an Oakland-based nonprofit that uses education, empowerment, and grassroots activism to increase the public’s access to inspiring cultural narratives.  The first…

  • This is Sunny and Skeptical’s first ever live episode!  Aside from an obscene amount of coffee to help keep me awake since 4:30am, I’m joined by…

  • Tune in anytime by adding Sunny and Skeptical Air Show to your podcast app.

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  • This week’s episode features a beautifully odd compilation of mostly the punk, hip hop, pop, and R&B persuasion. Some key Bay Area hip hop artists (discovered…

  • Some of us are either disgruntled (or nerdily jazzed) by heading back to school. To get into the swing of hittin’ books, this week’s episode has…

  • This episode has a rush of new music I'm pretty dadgum giddy about, including Thee Oh Sees new album Smote Reverser , along with The Lavender…
