A Thick Mist

About A Thick Mist

An eclectic vinyl experiment. Primarily American country blues, black metal, folk music from around the world, doom, spoken word, drone, noise, field recordings, and various non-musical sounds.

A Thick Mist airs live on Wednesdays 4-6 am (PT) on 91.7 FM, WMWM Salem. The previous week's episode airs Mondays 8-10 am (PT) here on BFF.fm.


  • Somehow everything got clipped while recording this episode, so it sounds kinda shitty. Sorry about that. No idea what happened. On the bright side, there's a…

  • That RLYR record finally landed and it's definitely one of my favorite things from this year. Check out the interview I did with them and read a…

  • Tune in anytime by adding A Thick Mist to your podcast app.

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  • It didn’t last very long, but the time when Wroom and Ali Akbar Khan overlapped was pretty excellent. And please please PLEASE check out the new…

  • Pretty psyched to have that old Stars Of The Lid on vinyl as well as the new Geography Of Hell vinyl debut (which worked quite nicely…

  • The new Hell record finally got pressed to vinyl, the new Mount Eerie record landed, and I had a good time mixing a speech from the…
