A Thick Mist

About A Thick Mist

An eclectic vinyl experiment. Primarily American country blues, black metal, folk music from around the world, doom, spoken word, drone, noise, field recordings, and various non-musical sounds.

A Thick Mist airs live on Wednesdays 4-6 am (PT) on 91.7 FM, WMWM Salem. The previous week's episode airs Mondays 8-10 am (PT) here on BFF.fm.


  • Got that new Vile Creature heaviness, plus UK Le Guin reading one of her fantastic short stories alongside YE Glotman’s acoustic wizardry, and Kevin Doria’s Total…

  • Got a couple old Three Lobed jams, some Christian organ played by a child, Marine Corps training, the new Summoning, and some old Tuareg folk.

  • Tune in anytime by adding A Thick Mist to your podcast app.

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  • There's a new Clint Heidorn record!! Go get it . Also, I played some cool stuff like John Noble talking about his time spent as a prisoner…

  • Lots of good stuff here including a field recording of a swamp alongside a Japanese Shugendō ritual, the new Yellow Eyes record, and an edited version…

  • I'm back! Picked up some sweet records while on my road trip like James Baldwin & Time Machines, also have a brand new super limited CC…
