Wake The F Up!

About Wake The F Up!

sponsored by Golden Gate Cannabis Co.

Returning from his deep space mission to Kepler Eriandi, Steve Foxx finds his nation in shambles and in the hands of fascists. Assembling a team of rock and roll heavy hitters; he pledged to the free peoples of America to broadcast freedom, information and rock music until his dying breath. And now, in this new republic, he pushes the boundaries of music, liberty and hard banging rock.

  • Saturday 7:00 – 8:00am


  • Breathe, babies. It’s June. Joe Biden had a bad debate. Put our collective heads down and do the hard work to vanquish fascism come November. The…

    60 mins

  • Thursday, Joe Biden will ‘debate’ convicted felon Dementia J. Trump. Let’s chat about what POTUS needs to do on the stage to help inflict more electoral…

    60 mins

  • Tune in anytime by adding Wake The F Up! to your podcast app.

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  • Project 2025 = Fascism. They aren’t even hiding it. It’s printed. If convicted felon Dementia J Trump is allowed to gain power, we will have fascism…

    60 mins

  • 150 Days until Election Days. 150 Days of action. 150 Days to register to vote, register friends, register family, register strangers. 150 Days to rid ourselves…

    60 mins

  • 34 counts. A weekend to celebrate. But remember, babies, we got a lot of work to do to keep this fascist out of our White House.

    60 mins

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