Wake The F Up!

About Wake The F Up!

sponsored by Golden Gate Cannabis Co.

Returning from his deep space mission to Kepler Eriandi, Steve Foxx finds his nation in shambles and in the hands of fascists. Assembling a team of rock and roll heavy hitters; he pledged to the free peoples of America to broadcast freedom, information and rock music until his dying breath. And now, in this new republic, he pushes the boundaries of music, liberty and hard banging rock.

  • Saturday 7:00 – 8:00am


  • On Air

    Wake The F Up! is on air right now! Hit play to listen live.

  • Orange Floridaman on Trial! And a lot more with your dose of rock! Wake the F Up! With Steve Foxx on the wayyyyyyy! -Foxx

    60 mins

  • It’s a better show that the new Kong VS Godzilla movie. Or is Kong and Godzilla together again? I don’t know. What I’m sayin’ is that…

    60 mins

  • Tune in anytime by adding Wake The F Up! to your podcast app.

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  • Enough with the hand wringing and the pearl clutching. We ARE going to defeat Dementia J. Trump and acolytes. And we’re going to wipe them out…

    60 mins

  • What is patriotism? Sure, sure, love of country…blah blah blah. But you don’t want platitudes, you want realz. Let’s explore and take in the rock. -FOXX…

    60 mins

  • He owes that much. Ha! -Foxx

    60 mins
