A Thick Mist

About A Thick Mist

An eclectic vinyl experiment. Primarily American country blues, black metal, folk music from around the world, doom, spoken word, drone, noise, field recordings, and various non-musical sounds.

A Thick Mist airs live on Wednesdays 4-6 am (PT) on 91.7 FM, WMWM Salem. The previous week's episode airs Mondays 8-10 am (PT) here on BFF.fm.


  • In today's pleasant surprises: mixing Francis Bebey with traditional Japanese flute and the Bible/Henry collab alongside amplified insect sounds.

  • Midwife’s  Like Author, Like Daughter  is the best record of the year and it will be number one on my year end list.

  • Tune in anytime by adding A Thick Mist to your podcast app.

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  • I can’t believe how good Rorcal sounded with Sun Circle playing alongside it. Fucking crazy. Also scope the reading of King Arthur at the end, some…

  • Kevin Gan Yuen's solo debut of black minimalism goes surprisingly well with Bulgarian folk music. And I'm glad to have recently found a record of Ferlinghetti…

  • Lots of long stuff this episode and a little more dark & heavy tunes than usual. I forgot how that Vangelis song starts out (which is…
